Monday, December 31, 2007

First Timer

For the last couple years I have been keeping an online journal for my friends and family to enjoy. I reflect on the joys, and sometimes the not-so-joys of motherhood and the antics of my two little people who keep my world in a constant hussle and bussle. So I thought why not try my hand at a blog.

2007 is almost a distant memory and 2008 is roaring at the doorstep. It's hard to imagine that in one short year my baby girl has become a toddler with an attitude and my little boy has gone from kicking the hell out of my ribs to a munchkin on the verge of crawling. My husband has gone from bald to balder and me, well I'm just trying to fit back into that size 4 that laughs in my face everytime I pass it over for the next pair of size-up pants with a little more stretch. If only maternity were a fashion and not a fit.

At the beginning of 2007 I had a little girl who was just cute as a button and we couldn't wait for her to say her next word. At the end of 2007, she sits at the table and says things like "don't tell me what to do" of course in response to our pleads such as "honey would you please (notice, I even said please) eat your banana" Also at the beginning of 2007 I had a little man growing in my belly, he was born May 9th into a crazy family we hope he gets used to. He is almost 8 months old now and is on the verge of taking that first all important step to being mobile. Now much like hanging on every word my daughter said and now this, the attitude, I'm thinking the same is the situation for little guy, we can't wait for him to crawl and then once he does, it's all over, life as I know it, is all over. She'll have attitude, he'll have wings, and me, well perhaps I'll just need a good bottle of vodka, and hub, well hub has me. No-seriously, he loves the idea.

Well bottoms up for New Years! I am excited for the new discoveries and adventures the year will hold. New Years resolutions, nah! I figure I'm married with kids, I don't have much left to give up. And size 4 pants, we'll see who has the last laugh, I happen to be very close friends with a certain Mr Scissor. Don't make me threaten you again.

Here's to us-watching our kids grow and watching ourselves and our spouses just grow old.

Exhale 2007-inhale 2008. Let's start with a deep breath!