Monday, September 15, 2008


Hubby pointed out something interesting this weekend...Skylar sounds like Chewbacca when she sobs. So I paid some attention, pulled up Chewy and listened. WHOA - she DOES sound like Chewbacca!!! Ha Ha Ha. I have my very own Chewy, she's just not as hairy.

Yesterday Ethan hit me in the head (about 100 times) but on this one occasion I sent him to time-out. We were sitting in the living room when it happened, I told him his behaviour was not acceptable and told him to go to time-out. I didn't know he would willingly tromp off down the hallway to the time-out corner though. Off he went, not a peep all the way down the hallway, he plops down and promptly bursts out crying (head back, hand over his mouth...such drama). It was the cutest, funniest, saddest thing ever. I just love this age, everything is so darn cute I could scream. He was okay with time-out till he realised where he was I suppose. Of course when Skylar heard him crying she went in and told him he could come out. She loves to mediate the discipline the house, and hates to hear her baby brother cry.

So season two of soccer is underway and Skylar is loving it. I can't believe how awesome she is doing, she is the littlest person out there, but like one of the other Mom's said, she is not to be under-estimated.

I can't believe we are in the last week of Summer. Where has the time gone? I'm sad that Summer is coming to an end, snow is awaiting, cold, long, dreary football filled days loom ahead. YUCKO! Can you tell I'm excited about Winter...and football? Time to put away the picnic table and umbrellas, dig out the snow boots and winter coats. I put a pair of long PJ's on Ethan last night...they have Santa on them! Long PJ's are long PJ's people...Santa or not.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


So yes, I know, I thought I would get back on track and be better about posting every week. But life got busy again, this time I truly was busy, I wasn't off moping in some corner...honest!

Anyhoo, so I started my new job, yes sir-ee-bob, I have embarked on a new journey, a happier one, one that will allow me to work from home. Life is good these days.

I've noticed lately that my kids have rules about things, rules about what can touch what on the plate of food, rules about what cup they drink out of, rules...rules...rules. For example, Ethan LOVES to read. So I tell him to get me a book and he waddles off to oblige, he returns with the book of his choosing and hands it to me with much satisfaction. Then he stands there. I have to actually invite him to sit on my lap so we can read the book, I have to say..."okay Ethan, sit down and we can read the book". If I don't utter those words, he will continue to stand and stare at me. Now when Brian reads to him, he hands over the book and promptly plops down. Rules only apply to me apparently!

As for Skylar, well she now has lined up about six or eight stuffed animals at the bottom of her bed, we have to cover them with a blanket and put them to sleep every night before she will lay down. Well, of course as you can imagine, I now comply and lay them all down (them laying down is an important key) and then cover them up so just their heads stick up. The other night I got her all tucked in and settled down, animals were all snug and laying down. Ten minutes later I hear her crying, I go up to the room and she is sitting up straight in bed pointing at the beaver (it's a long story as to why she has a stuffed animal that is a beaver), who quite coincidentally is the scariest one of them all, and she says "he won't lay down". Okay, so I understand the rules, but can we not make it quite so creepy? It's as if I laid the beaver down, tucked him in nicely and Skylar to boot and all of a sudden I left the room and the beaver sat up straight and harassed Skylar as she was trying to sleep. I was a little creeped out I have to say. "He won't lay down Mommy". Did you ask him and he said no? Did he tell you why he needed to be the only one sitting up straight when everyone else was fast asleep? Anyway, I laid the rogue beaver back down and this time he seemed to comply with the rules and soon everyone was fast asleep. That creepy little beaver!

Ethan has taken three to four hour naps all weekend long...the sleep Gods are shining brightly on me.