Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tonsils...Frosty...Books...Chocolate and other stuff

Phew!!! I survived the holidays in one piece. It really was a nice Christmas this year, quiet but very enjoyable. The kids had a blast and love all their new stuff. There were no gifts this year that required assembly so I had no cause to break down in tears of frustration like I did last year. The packaging seemed a little more parent friendly too this year, easier to get things out and a lot less paper cuts at the end of the day. It was a good time all round.

So one of the gifts the kids got was a snowman making kit, all the stuff you need to decorate a Frosty. We (yes-me included) couldn't wait (makes me sick to wish for snow) for the first big-enough-to-make-a-snowman snowfall. Well yesterday it finally happened. Skylar woke up and saw the snow and immediately asked if we could make a snowman. Of course I said we could as soon as she got home. So I waited for it - I rang the doorbell to daycare, got her coat on, said our hello's and goodbye's, headed out the door, down the stairs, almost to the car "Mommy can we make a snowman?" I knew it...I knew she wouldn't forget!!! So the minute we came home we marched straight out to the backyard and build our first snowman of the season. We decorated him with all the fixings and he looked splendid to say the very least. Then Skylar asked if he was going to move...I sure as hell hope not, that would just freak me out. Frosty looked so good on the patio glowing in the moonlight last night, this morning however paints a different picture. He has some melted spots that are strangely tinted yellow...hmmm, wonder what that could be? I guess the dogs have no respect for the visitor we have in the backyard, or perhaps they were just welcoming him to the yard. Poor guy!

6:40am, Ethan roused from his not so deep sleep and sits up and asks for books. Really? Already? Can it wait just a moment while I try to pry my eye(s) open? Ughhh, fine we'll read. Then he wants down, so he gets down, "come on" he says, as he toddles down the passageway toward the kitchen. "cocalit" he says, as he reaches into the cupboard for a bowl. So books and chocolate, all before I'm awake and all before 7am. This is my boy! Last night for some reason he was yelling about wanting juice all through the night. I'm not sure he was even awake as he was yelling about wanting juice. I know his favourite things in life are...Mommy, Skylar, Daddy, cars, juice, chocolate and books. At a friends house the other night, Ethan picked out a very nice pair of pointy-toed high heel shoes that he strutted around in all night, this Ethan of mine - he's a strange (but incredibly cute) one.

So the news is in - the tonsils must come out. And really, while I'm a worry wart and hate the thought of my child enduring pain, even if for a moment, makes me sick to my stomach, I'm so grateful they are going to yank those enormous suckers out of there. Free up her airway and let her finally breath as she sleeps. And perhaps once she sleeps more soundly, so too will I. So the date is set and now we just wait. My poor baby girl :(

So with a new year having rolled in, I'm excited for the adventures of 2009. Happy New Year everyone, I hope this is a very blessed and happy one for all.