Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Never Trust a Toddler in Public

Let me set the scene. Skylar needs to potty, we happen to be at Target so off we got to pee. She is doing her thing when a lady walks into the stall next to us, sits down and lets all out...yeah you know what I mean!

Anyhoo, what ensues is a belly-ache of a laugh, and of course has me in fits laughing all to myself now when I find myself in public restrooms.

Okay, back to the scene of the "crime" or the "scene of the humiliation".

Lady lets er rip (so to speak) and Skylar loudly says, "Ewww Mommy - who did that?" I try to hush her...but no...she goes on. "Ewwww (of course she starts each sentence with a preface of EWWWW just to emphasize her disgust and to heighten my humiliation) Mommy that lady is going poop!" she says. And then says, "Ewww Mommy, I don't like poop!"

Okay so I am at the sink now, trying to hurry her out while I am crippled with laughter, she has the face of disgust, nose turned up and eyes wrinkled as she exits the bathroom.

So funny, and humiliating all the same time. There is no such thing as holding back your thoughts when you are three is there? The girl speaks her mind, what can I say!

And in another instance of Skylar saying what's on her mind...Old Navy...lady with a serious 80's teased out do...Skylar..."Hey Mommy - look at that ladies funny hair!"

Ahh yes, let the honestly roll off your tongue sweetie...Mommy can take it.

I love it!

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