Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Luf You

So the other day I'm standing in the kitchen and Skylar comes over and puts her arms around my legs and squeezes me and says "I love you Mommy". Melts my heart. Then Ethan who does everything his big sister does comes over and puts his little arms around my leg, rest his head on my knee cap and looks up at me and says "luf you" OMG! Is it possible to love these little people anymore than I already do? It's moments like that in life where you just want time to stop and you want to keep the picture and the feeling in your heart forever.

It's been a busy time with pumpkin patches and pumpkin carving and all the Halloween festivities. We went to a pumpkin patch and there were scarecrows all over the place. All the scarecrows that were sitting on the ground, Ethan pile-drived. He jumped on every one of them-too stinking funny.

Skylar has been asking me to go to school F-O-R-E-V-E-R and so one week from today she will be starting preschool. Last night she is sitting on our bed and promptly announces that she doesn't want to go to school anymore. What? We have been building up to this moment for the past year and now she doesn't want to go anymore. I'm guessing she was just tired and cranky and blurted it out without meaning a word of it. Arghhh!

Grandma and Grandpa will be arriving for a visit this week, Skylar is about bursting out of her tiny little body. It's going to be a fun time.

Ethan is talking up a storm these days, it's so fun to hear all the fun things he says. Whenever he sees Elmo he is especially enthusiastic and blurts out "ELMO" he also loves trucks and cars and when he heard the fire engine sirens the other days he said "fire truck!" He's at such a great age where every second he is doing something new.

Skylar is still the same beautiful little spirit she always is. Lately she seems a little quieter. I can't help but wonder what is going on in her little head. I wish I knew what they did while I was gone all day, I wish I knew if she was truly happy every day at daycare. I wish I knew everything. For the sake of the hub-I DO know everything BTW.

There is so much beauty to my life, I try to appreciate all of it, the hub, the tiny little people who wrap their little arms around my legs and say "luf you Mommy". If I have nothing else in life I have my family and really I think that's enough.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Scary Guys in the Closet

There is not a day that goes by that I don't look at my kids in complete awe of their innocence and chilhood sweetness. I love how there is so much new stuff to learn and to explore and to discover, the world is so new and full of promise. Each thing they do, each new thing they discover, each new fear...it all just amazes me.

The Hub thought it a good idea to let Skylar watch a snippet of ET (no-not Entertainment Tonight) the other day, yep he sure did! Anyhoo, she sat glued to the TV watching some strange (albeit cute) alien -like creature for about 5 minutes. Five minutes is all it took to have her terrified out of her little mind. She burst out crying right then and there on the spot. Of course I said it wasn't a good idea!!! Did anyone (i.e. hubby) listen? Phhht, of course not. So off to bed she goes, 15 minutes later I hear distraught screaming from her room. I run in there to find her bolt upright in her bed with the most terrified face. I asked her what was wrong and she proceeds to tell me how there are scary guys in her closet. Poor little baby. And why may I ask are the monsters always in the closet? Couldn't they hide other places, like behind the door or under the bed? Does it always have to be in the closet?

Why do boys have a naturally adventurous spirit where they have no fear and think they can do anything without any kind of consequences? And why do big boys remind us of little boys so much, is it that they never truly grow up? I have found many similarities between the hub and the little mini hub. I will list them, and I apologise ahead of time for the use of the word shhh*penis*shhhhh. So with that said, I will start out on that point. Do they ever learn to leave it alone? They take up most of the bed at all times without any regard for the other warm bodies fighting for a sliver of mattress. They love boobs. They believe that they and only they are right at all times (oh wait..that could be me!). Okay so I thought I had more things to list but really what it boils down to is this...my son and my hub seem like the same person, only Ethan a tiny little version of his Daddy, I just wonder, do they ever grow up?

There is nothing like watching siblings learn about each other, watching them grow close and bond in a way only siblings can. I, in the last two weeks or so, have really seen Skylar and Ethan come together, she-watching over him, he -just watching!