Monday, February 2, 2009

The Things They Say!

Well 2009 is under full swing now, today marking the first day of February already. It's hard to imagine where the time has gone already.

January has been a historic month, so much has happened, so many new seeds being planted, now we are just waiting for the growth. I'm excited that my kids get to grow up in a world where colour seems less important than the character of a person.

Well onto the happenings around the Robl household...Ethan is in a "big boy" bed now. We got Skylar a twin and moved Ethan into the toddler bed. I decked it out with cars and trucks linens and he LOVES his new bed. He - for the most part - even stays in it. I think he feels less trapped now, he loves to climb in and out of his bed throughout the day too, it's like his own little space that he now has complete access to whenever he pleases. I'm so glad the transition was a smooth one. My little boy is growing so fast it makes my heart sore. But at the same time, I love the age he is at, he is so full of personality and character it's a treat getting to know him. He is definately stubborn and stands his ground which makes for a challenge (and a laugh) every now and again.

So, I apologise for the following story that I am about to tell, I try not to bring "potty talk" to the table when I write my blog but this is too funny to pass up. Skylar goes #2 yesterday and after a little bit of a struggle decides she is done. She gets off the seat and turns around to peer into the bowl where there lies one lonely soldier. She remarks "Oh Mommy - poor little guy...he doesn't have any friends!" Ha ha ha ha...OMG, I'm still laughing. I had never thought about a poop being lonely, I guess these are things that concern 3 year olds. Too funny I tell you, too freaking funny.

I am eagerly awaiting Spring, although it seems like it's been a mild Winter, I am so done with cold weather. I long for the warm glow of the sun.

1 comment:

Keith said...

I am sure you can write a book about things the young one's say to you!!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.