Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bedtime Woes

I used to have in my mind the visions of brushing teeth, quietly reading, singing and then sweet kisses goodnight. Now while this scenario is true, my vision of perfect bedtime ends there, however my reality does not.

Ethan has been waking up crying hysterically, he sits up in his crib and just cries his little eyes out. I try rubbing/patting his back, to no avail, I've tried the cry-it-out method (which is torturous). Nothing works, well of course nursing and sleeping in Mommy's tired arms does, but what works for him is not working for me. This is a will pass. I have to tell myself this, I need to make it through the night.

Then when one is sleeping the other decides to wake. At almost three years old I would have thought Skylar would be a breeze by now, sleeping from 8:30pm to 8:30am. There I go again, off in la-la land. My child has decided to punish me by waking up several times during the night screaming for me. Please, please, please, I must get some sleep.

My Record last week, 7 times in one night, yes that's right SEVEN. I spent more time out of bed than I did in bed. And if this wasn't bad enough, there lay the hubby snoring away in slumber land with not a care in the world. In my next life I want to come back as a man, I want to know this thing they call relaxation, sleep and oh yeah that other thing called time-to-myself.

As I finish this up, I listen to the beautiful sound of my children sleeping. I breath in this moment for I know that this feeling of bedtime triumph will last about as long as it takes me to close my eyes and get comfy before the first cry shatters my dreams.