Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Am I Immune?? To Everything??

I have this pen on my desk from a hotel with a catchy little phrase that says "wake up on the bright side". I'm not sure if this pen found it's way into my life to remind me of something or if it's simply just a pen I found lying around (or...stole from another co-workers desk). But I'm not sure I like it's in-your-face-be-happy-stop-complaining-about-yesterday kind of presence. Yes folks I'm not feeling in the"wake up on the bright side" kind of mood. Is it obvious?

Last week was a week from hell. I was put to the ultimate test in every way possible, work, wife, mommy, person who I would like to run of the know what I mean. EVERYTHING!

Hubby woke up Sunday feeling grim, Super Bowl Sunday and the Packers didn't make it, if I were him I wouldn't feel so good either. As the day progressed he got worse, and by worse I mean more whiney, well and sick too I suppose. Monday morning he slugged through work and came home miserable, by Tuesday he was at the doctors office first thing in the morning...WHOA...back up! YES, the doctors office. I have been married to this man for almost 10 years and the only time he ever went to the doctor was disguised (for insurance purposes) as his brother for a strep test. I believe he got there and chickened out though, so I'm not sure this counts either. So later in the day I get a call, it's the flu. The man has the flu!! I have to admit that he did look like death warmed over, but all of us woman know that when our men have the slightest icky feeling the entire world will come to an end. Well to cut a long story short, and to get back to me and my misery over the whole thing, since really it's all about me isn't it? He calls to say he has the flu, I need to take the kids in right away. Ethan just coming off RSV and too little to go onto Tamiflu and Skylar who is sickness prone, I rush them off the only doctors appointment I can get for the day. Of course, it's extemely inconvenient with the work situation, but I go off get my kids from daycare, do the doc office, come to find out both kids don't have flu but both have nasty ear-infections. I bundle them back up, come back to work with the brood in tow, since hubby has been told to stay away from all of us. I work. I leave work to venture home and pick up prescriptions on the way, and of course I hit traffic. Poor baby girl in the back saying "Mommy I have to pee-pee"...nowhere to stop..."Mommy I pee-peed on my seat". Really??? Why can't I just have the flu? Seems easier already.

That folks is just one day, actually just a couple hours. I slept on the floor for three days, each ache and pain suggesting I might be coming down with the flu, hope, that maybe I too can rest. But NO, no me. Fit as a fiddle as my Grandpa would say. I have to admit while I am glad I avoided the nasty flu bug in order to care of (ever so lovingly I would like to add) my family, it was completely exhausting. I suppose as Mothers we are immune to such things as the flu, so that our families can be sick and there is someone to take care of them. Immunity Shimmunity.

I am happy to say that the family is all well and the hubby is back on kitty scooping and trash-taking-out duties.

Oh and I am sleeping in my bed again, oh how I love my bed!