Thursday, April 24, 2008

Birthday Fever

Well almost a year has passed since Ethan was ripped from my womb. Sounds harsh doesn't it? But truly with a c-section that's kind of how it feels. The boy is about to turn one, well in a couple weeks that is. However I have birthday fever, and a planning I will go.

We have his birthday party planned for May 4th and Grandma and Grandpa R will be flying into town to join the festivities. How fun to have G and G R in town for the big B’Day party. I can't help but wonder how Skylar is going to handle Ethan having presents to open and not her. I'm not a huge believer in bringing the sibling a present to the party so they don't feel left out, honestly I find that ridiculous. But each to their own, Skylar will just have to realise her day is coming and this is Ethan's big day. Now I will encourage them to share the new toys of course. And even if Ethan won't share Skylar will rip it out of his hands or put it out of reach or run off with it anyway. So goes having an older sister I guess.

So the guests, all of our wonderful friends will be in attendance and the menu is planned. The cake will be a doggie cake that I will carefully hand-craft to look just like the picture in the recipe. Yeah right!!! Who am I kidding? It will be a cake with a jumbled mess of frosting that vaguely resembles a dog, road-kill perhaps but a dog nonetheless. And the guests will have to be told that it’s a “doggie” and then of course they will all have to compliment me on my Martha Stewart like prowess, even though none of them believe it for one second. This is why we have friends, they lie to us to make us feel better about ourselves. I love my friends and am very blessed to have each one of them in my life.

The sun has been shining down on us brightly the past few days, as the Winter dullness makes way for Spring sunshine I feel a shift in the mood. I love this time of year, I get to celebrate my babies, a birthday in May and one in June. Bring it on Summer, we are ready for days filled with laughter, bubbles and general shenanigans. I am not ready for a swimsuit, but that's an entirely different blog.

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