Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Birthday Party...Round Two!

So yes, birthday fever is back and once again I find myself in the throws of party planning. Only this time it's for 14 kids and all their parents. (I say this as I am hyper-ventilating into a brown paper bag with one hand and wiping the sweat from my brow with the other.) Yes, I know, I am not one for big parties that are over-the-top usually, but this one, well it's not over the top it's just a lot of kids. We will be having Skylar's third birthday party at Pump It Up on Friday. It's a large indoor inflatable party place. I think. I've never been, only heard what a blast it is. The bonus is, all the parents get to play too, for free! So the venue itself is taken care of, I have no worries about set up or clean up which is great, but what has me sweating and breathing like I'm in labor is feeding everyone. I'm making Skylar a ladybug cake for her birthday but since I have so many people to feed I'm thinking now I need to make two since I cannot find a 14'round cake pan to make one giant ladybug. I have cut-out cookies to make and two cakes. It doesn't sound that daunting, but really it is. I also have the little boxes that I'm putting together to send home with the kids. I got plain white boxes that Skylar painted and then I'm going to fill them with some candy and attach a note saying "thanks for coming". It's simple enough, but it all takes time.

Why do I do this to myself you might ask? Well the answer is simple. I thrive on it, without stress I am nothing. Without taking on more than I can chew most the time, I would be bored and unchallenged. It's the thrill of crunch time, and then looking back and thinking, phew...am I super woman or what? It's not the end result but the process that thrills me. It's sad...but true! I love to be busy and I love to be creative and if I can be busy being creative I'm in my element. Now, I don't doubt I'll cry, I'll be in a bad mood for a while, I'll feel completely overwhelmed, I'll get little sleep, I'll fight with Hub and who knows I may not even be able to pull off the perfect cake, but in the end it will all be worth it.

My little girl is turning three and she is going to celebrate with all her friends. It’s going to be so much fun I can’t wait.

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