Monday, June 16, 2008

Go Green

Okay so I know that the theme of everyday living is to "Go Green". I get it. I do my part and like to think that I am environmentally aware. But here is something I ran across this weekend that just killed me.

Yesterday at the grocery store, I see a woman wearing a shirt that says "Go global buy local" or something to that effect. She is also toting her own environmentally friendly carry bags to put her (no doubt) organic purchases into. So here I am thinking, wow, a person who goes the distance...good for her. *golf clap* I even feel a surge of guilt for still using the plastic bags to cart my groceries home in. Which by the way, holy smokes are things expensive! Moving right along though...

As we leave the store, she follows shortly behind. I almost expect her to jump on her bicycle and ride her hippie-self home. Well what follows is what grates me to my core. She gets in her car and lights a cigarette, toddler seat in the back of the car, diapers and organics in the trunk. Okay, so let me rewind a minute...gets in the car and lights a it just me or does her holier-than-thou-I-save-the-world-with-my-organic-food-and-recyled-material-bags glow just go right in the shitter? It's just me isn't it?

Anyhoo, the soap box is here and on it I shall stand. So with that said, are you freaking kidding me? Save the world but kill yourself and your kid with your cigarette smoke. Am I missing something?

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