Monday, July 7, 2008


And Bingo was his name-O! I have this ridiculous song stuck in my head thanks to Skylars new found singing talents and her incessant need to hum a tune. Of all the songs...seriously? Even Yankee Doodle would be a better choice at this point.

So my little girl is now a whopping three years old. This is a bitter sweet process, watching them grow and learn and change. I yearn for the days when I could hold her tiny little body close and feel her nuzzle into my neck, the way Ethan still does, but at the same time I love all the new things I get to experience with her. I love the big hugs and kisses that she is capable of now, the (endless) conversations about everything. She is so observant, smart and funny...she's just like me...okay okay, so she's smarter, funnier and way more observant. Geesh, always trying to fish for one aren't I? She is just at an age where she glows, that sweet, innocent, childhood glow. I bask in it, I drink it in and I wonder when the hell I ended up with wrinkles. Whoa, sorry, way off topic.

Ethan is a climbing fool these days, climbs into, onto and around E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. The boy has no fear...well that's not entirely true. He is, as we have discovered, afraid of the "horsie ride" at King Soopers. (Sorry Son, I have to tell). He will go down a death-defying six foot drop of a slide without batting an eyelid, but will not trot gently on a stationery horse. Perhaps the horse ride is not manly enough for his tastes and thus screams bloody-murder in protest of it. That's it isn't it? That's our story and we are sticking with it.

July 4th-the essence of Summer. Fireworks and BBQ's. Screaming, over-tired kids.

And BINGO was his name-O!

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