Friday, May 30, 2008

One Terrifying Moment

Well last week I signed off my blog with a little thing about how blessed I am and how grateful I am for everything, and this week I want to start my blog by reiterating how blessed I really do feel.

A week ago today we were at a restaurant for dinner with friends and we were seated at a booth. I was standing up right next to the edge holding Ethan and the hub was one person deep in the seating arrangement. All of a sudden out of nowhere I hear a thump and I turn around to see Skylar laying face down on the hard concrete floor. I handed Ethan off and stood her up to look at her, she seemed to sway ever so slightly. At this point I panicked and picked her up and ran outside where I sat and held her and asked her questions to find out if she was disorientated or not. She was shook up but otherwise answered all my questions just fine. She of course was crying so hard, partly I believe because she got a huge fright.

We left and got home 15 minutes after the fall, walked into the kitchen and she suddenly started to throw up all over the place. She threw up five or six times and then I noticed she was still gagging but nothing was coming. OMG, she was choking. I did the Heimlich, nothing, I smacked her on the back some more, nothing again. At this point she started to turn blue, I screamed to hub to call 911. I laid her out on our patio and then, well truly I don't recall the exact process too well, but she went from blue to the blue white, her eyes rolled back in her head, her jaw was tight and she stopped breathing. I put my mouth over hers and sucked as hard as I could to try and dislodge (what turned out to be pizza dough) what was in her throat. I managed somehow to get it out, and when I did, I continued CPR and mouth-to-mouth and all of a sudden, she was back, crying. I was so cold and so desperate in those moments. My little girl, my little baby girl, lifeless and limp! My world has never seemed to stand still and move so fast all at the same exact time. I was terrified out of my mind. I had her breathing and okay by the time the paramedics and fire dept and police arrived. I tried to stand up and my legs were so weak, I could barely move a limb. Shock really set in at that point. Just writing this makes my terrified all over again, remembering her face, her colour. I cannot imagine what life would have been had this gone the other way. So today, and everyday, I am so blessed for these lives that are a part of mine, for these beautiful babies who are mine to love and to cherish. Skylar was taken to the ER in the ambulance and was checked out, she had no concussion, and was just fine. She is my little angel, I don't want to have to think about breathing without her. Phew! Heavy stuff...but truly, what an amazing end to a horrible, horrible moment in our lives.

I believe Ethan is finally communicating with me. When asked if he wants this, or that, he nods and says something that vaguely resembles "yeah" or "no" and shakes his head. "Ethan you want squash?" "No" (shake shake)..."do you want pudding?" "Yeah" (nod nod. Could this boy get any cuter?? Still no walking but he's working up to it. Cruising around that furniture like it aint no thang.

Today is Friday, oh thank the heavens. I hope it's a weekend full of fun things to do, things other than the laundry and the dishes and the blah blah blah cleaning stuff. Ahh gotta love those warm days, ice cream and the sun-kissed cheeks to kiss goodnight.

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