Friday, May 23, 2008

Summer Joys

Ahh, sweet, glorious, happy Friday! The weekend is upon us and what makes it even sweeter, is not the Paula Deen super-sweet butter cake pieces I just gobbled down, but the fact that it's a long weekend. Whoot Whoot. Yes folks a nice long, beautiful weekend.

So my first phone call of the day: Gentleman: "Hi Leigh, Happy Friday!" Me: "Thanks, you too", after some more back and forth conversation, Me: "so do you have access to your email today?" Gentleman: "Yes I might but right now I'm at the beach" (kids screaming Daddy Daddy in the background). Me: "Did you have to rub it in?" Gentleman: "Ha ha ha". Okay, so no seriously...did you have to rub it in? I'm here holed up in my cubicle conducting business with him while he is on the beach playing with his kids. *SIGH*

So snuggle time in Skylars bed is interesting these days. She recalls her day and tells me stories about the kids and what they did and who bit who and what not. It's enlightening. I'm sure some of the stories are embellished a little, but hey, it's okay. Makes for a good story, it's like my bedtime story.

Ethan, bless his little heart, is sleeping so much better at night, for long stretches at a time. He even stays in his crib till about 5am some mornings. I love it, although it hasn't made me feel less tired. So with that said I will continue my gripe of exhaustion and woe-is-me'ness.

Life is good. I am so grateful for my family, my home, my life. With watching so much horror unfold on CNN over the past month it really is something to look around and say, you know what, I'm blessed.

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